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Spring Lawn Care Startup

Get  ½ off your first service for all programs!

Is your lawn looking a little tired from the long winter months? Or was the lawn neglected last year and you want to get a head start on the summer season? With spring just around the corner, now is the time to think about preparing your grass for the summer ahead. If your yard could use some attention, our professional lawn team can inject new life into your yard. You can have a beautiful landscape this summer!

Spring lawn treatment heals your landscape if it has been affected by pests or disease, strengthening its foundational roots. Our repair experts quickly diagnose problem areas on your lawn, create a plan of action, and then implement that plan for you. Whether you have patches that need to be filled in by planting an extra layer of grass seed or treated for deficiencies, we are ready to help.

Lush Lawn is unique among lawn rejuvenation companies in that it has created a Spring Lawn Care and Rejuvenation program designed to build up your grass so it will come in stronger than ever this year.


Lush Lawn takes lawn care seriously, which is why we have used our expertise to create a lawn rejuvenation and startup program what will protect and nourish your grass this spring and give it a head start on controlling weeds this summer.

The Lush Lawn Spring package contains the following services:

    • Early Spring: Apply a pre-emergent herbicide for crabgrass control and a broadleaf herbicide for weed control. Application includes nitrogen for spring greenup, pre-emergent herbicide and broadleaf herbicide.
    • Spring: Second application of broadleaf herbicide for weed control. Nitrogen fertilizer with micronutrients will be added to improve summer hardiness. Application includes nitrogen fertilizer, (Fe) iron, (Mn) manganese, and broadleaf herbicide.
    • Grub Control: Grubs are found everywhere in Michigan and are one of the biggest causes of lawn damage. As grubs hatch they feast on the roots of your grass turning a once-green lawn into brown patches that will not grow back. Our grub control is guaranteed to keep grubs at bay in your lawn.
    • Early Summer: Apply our summer-formulated fertilizer with micronutrients and organic material. Weed control is applied as needed. Application includes nitrogen fertilizer and broadleaf herbicide.
    • Mid-Summer: Apply our summer-formulated fertilizer with micronutrients and organic material. Weed control is applied as needed. Application includes nitrogen fertilizer and broadleaf herbicide.
    • Late Summer: Apply a time-released balanced fertilizer and broadleaf herbicide spot treatment as needed. Application includes nitrogen fertilizer and broadleaf herbicide.
    • Fall: Apply a time-released balanced fertilizer and broadleaf herbicide spot treatment as needed. Application includes nitrogen fertilizer and broadleaf herbicide.
    • Late Fall: Apply a quick-release nitrogen fertilizer to promote a strong root system throughout the winter and ensure early spring green-up, and broadleaf herbicide spot treatment as needed. Application includes nitrogen fertilizer and broadleaf herbicide.
    • Aeration – Get more out of your grass with the lawn aeration service provided by Lush Lawn. Aeration reduces soil compaction and allows for vital nutrients and applications to reach grass roots. Aeration makes your lawn stronger and greener. While we recommend using an aerator, we don’t recommend removing mulch or thatch, instead, leave a thin layer over your lawn.


Lawns come with a basic set of needs: air, water, nutrients, sunlight and room to grow. When soil becomes compacted — typically a product of pressure from foot traffic or heavy machines — lawns fail to get these needs met. Compacted soil has a reduced pore space, which prevents oxygen, moisture and fertilizer from reaching the grass roots and limits their area to expand.

Core aeration is a type of lawn aeration that uses a plug aerator to remove plugs of soil, creating holes in compacted soil. These small holes help the soil breathe and create routes through which nutrients can enter the soil and penetrate through to grass roots. The plugs that were removed stay on top of your lawn where they break down and return nutrients back to the soil.


Summer heat and drought can be stressful for your lawn. Get ahead of the game by taking advantage of the Spring Special package from the experts at Lush Lawn. We will provide everything your grass needs to be healthy and green, all you need is a quick phone call and a FREE estimate! Contact our team and get started today.